Sunday, January 13, 2008


I had to add this one on here. This is my cousin Josh.....wearing his nieces pretty pink head bow! Josh is always so full of life and doing something fun and making everyone smile and laugh. Him and his wife are expecting their own precious baby girl in February, so I guess he was just trying out some fashion ideas for the future, he's going to be such a great dad! I just wanted to share this with everyone....especially those of you that know Josh. Love ya one could ever compare to you!

Happy 3rd Birthday Cohen!!

The day of Cohen's birthday we just had a little celebration at home. He wanted BEANS for supper and had an awesome Mickey Mouse cake! Uncle Buddy came down and ate with us and opened gifts! Cohen had a very fun 3rd birthday....we must've sang the Happy Birthday song 50 times that day! We'll be having his party with friends and family on the 19th so there will be more birthday pictures to post then.


One of the best Mickey Mouse cakes ever!
Of course he got to stick his finger in HIS cake!

BLOW the candles out!!

Yeeeeeeeeah the presents!!!
MORE Mickey Mouse stuff!!!!

Man, I love Mickey!

Want a wrench??

I got tools!

Love this cake!
Cohen's birthday stuff.....he really loves Mickey Mouse!!

Cohen in a Cage

We all know he's a little monkey, but never thought he would actually end up in a cage!!! I got this cage for Alex and Sadie to stay in on cold nights and Cohen decided to make it his playhouse for the day. It was a perfect fit! He's so funny!

Christmas Day!!!

Christmas Day was at Aunt Joyce's house this year. It was the first time in a lot of years that we had this many of us together. I miss those times! It turned out so great and everyone had such a fun time. The holidays this year were really great and even though I think everyone got spolied with all the gifts and goodies we should all stop and be thankful for the love of our family. Christmas isn't anything without family surrounding us and I am so grateful for mine!

Grandma & Bob Mom, Aunt Joyce and the back of Uncle Bobby (its the only picture I got of him!!)

Sretta & Chloe
Jillian & Clay
Caitlyn & her love!
Jillian, Clay & Chloe....such a cute little family!

Uncle Buddy
Sretta...pass the chips pleeeeeeeease!

Pepaw and Cohen

Lindsey showing some Christmas love!


Mom & Aunt Joyce

Seth and sweet baby Adelyn

Cute Chloe with her Santa butt!

Josh & Jessica

Seth, Justin, Tab, Adelyn & Uncle Buddy
The whole family

What'd ya get Ninnie?
Ya like that Pepaw?

Princess Joyce

Open wide Ninnie!!!
Pepaw giving Lindsey a piano she the next Hannah Montana??